Consultant for Synod of Lakes and Prairies and Synod of Lincoln Trails

The Reverend Doctor Kenneth Green joined the Board of Pensions in 2014 as an Education Specialist. Prior to joining the Board, he was senior pastor of First Presbyterian Church of La Grange in Illinois and associate pastor at Second Presbyterian Church of Indianapolis.

Born and raised in Seattle, Ken volunteered for 14 years with University Ministries at University Presbyterian Church in Seattle, where he served as an elder.

Ken received a bachelor's and master's from the University of Washington, a Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry from Fuller Theological Seminary.

Presbyteries in Ken's region are located in Illinois, Indiana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Ohio, and Iowa. 



  • Synod of Lakes and Prairies: Central Nebraska, Dakota, Des Moines, East Iowa, Homestead, John Knox, Milwaukee, Minnesota Valleys, Missouri River Valley, North Central Iowa, Northern Plains, Northern Waters, Prospect Hill, South Dakota, Twin Cities Area, Winnebago
  • Synod of Lincoln Trails: Blackhawk, Chicago, Great Rivers, Midwest Hanmi, Wabash Valley, Whitewater Valley, Ohio Valley, Southeastern Illinois
  • Synod of the Covenant: Cincinnati

Contact information

Call Ken at 215-587-7384 or email him.