How to enroll in the RSP

You may enroll in the Retirement Savings Plan at any time if your employer offers the plan to you.

The Retirement Savings Plan enrollment guide includes information to help you decide how much to contribute and to choose appropriate fund options. The guide includes the two forms needed to enroll:

You can also request these forms by calling the Board of Pensions at 800-773-7752 (800-PRESPLAN) (TTY: 711).

Complete both forms and return them to your employer to process. Do not send them to the Board. Your employer will submit your completed enrollment form to Fidelity and retain the salary deferral form for payroll records. Your enrollment will be effective as soon as administratively feasible after Fidelity receives your completed enrollment form.

Your employer will deduct your contributions from your pay and send your contributions (electronically) to Fidelity. Once you are enrolled in the Retirement Savings Plan, you will receive an email invitation to set up your NetBenefits account, review your investments, and access the tools and resources available to you.

Beneficiary designation

When you enroll in the Retirement Savings Plan, you must designate one or more beneficiaries to receive your account in the event of your death. If you are married and designate a primary beneficiary other than your spouse, the plan requires your spouse’s written consent. At any time after enrolling in the RSP, you may designate or change beneficiaries through NetBenefits or by calling Fidelity at 800-343-0860.