Consultant for Synods of Mid-America and the Sun

The Reverend Kevin Keaton joined the Board of Pensions in January 2012 after serving more than 30 years as a pastor and presbytery executive. Most recently, he was Executive Presbyter of the Presbytery of Missouri River Valley, in Omaha, Nebraska.

Kevin also has served extensively on the Committee on Ministry for the Presbytery of New Covenant, Houston.

A native of Lake Charles, Louisiana, Kevin graduated from McNeese State University as well as Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Presbyteries in Kevin's region are located in Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, and Texas.


  • Synod of Mid-America: John Calvin, Giddings-Lovejoy, Heartland, Missouri Union, Northern Kansas, Southern Kansas
  • Synod of the Sun: Arkansas, Cimarron, Eastern Oklahoma, Grace, Indian Nations, Mission, New Covenant, Palo Duro, Pines, South Louisiana, Tres Rios

Contact information

Call Kevin at 215-435-1301 or email him.